
Hongseong can solve your lightweight requirements in various business sectors!

Almaty Subway train
최고관리자 2023-01-30
 Project Completion
Almaty Subway train 28 cars2009
CeilingHivetecks H102
Builder Operation
Hyundai RotemSubway line 1, Almaty city

First subway trains in Almaty city, Kazakhstan

Hongseong's Hivetecks lightweight and structural ceiling system installed

The first subway train in Almaty, Kazakhstan, contracted in Hyundai-Rotem company in Korea. Almaty subway authority operates 28 cars as its 1st line in the city. When the first train car arrived in Almaty city, there was an event like above right pictures.


They said that train business in Central Asia area is very tough market for train maker because this market is dominated typically Russian makers, German marker and Bombardier Inc. Two company, finally, come into this market together with Hyundai Corporation's marketing and Rotem with high technology as car maker.


Hivetecks honeycomb panel as its ceiling requirements adopted this 28 cars of Almaty subway trains. Brilliant surface finishes and test passed with NFPA in American Fire Test standard and BS (British Standard) test, either. Hyundai-Rotem was invited our product with good quality product and excellent deadline of delivery service as well.


The company has also 554 cars replacement reference of interior wall panels in Korea National Railway.

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