
Hongseong can solve your lightweight requirements in various business sectors!

form floor to ceiling,
from manufacturing to assembly,
Hongseong can be done by your lightweight requirements !


Ceilings Lightweight railcar ceiling
Lightweight Ceiling panel such as honeycomb panel makes railcar lighter than normal single metal plate ceilings. Excellent flatness,
good design capacity, fire regulation certified products with Hivetecks honeycomb panel from Hongseong will match most
of customers' requirements in this fields. Moreover, Hivetecks H102 product, that is, melmine laminated with lightweight
honeycomb panel can match every ceiling and side panel in terms of interior finish design.
Ceiling reference
KTMB Malaysian 30 cars
Hivetecks® honeycomb panel/Ceramic
Almaty subway 24 cars
Hivetecks® honeycomb panel/PVdF
Tunisian subway 76 cars
Hivetecks® honeycomb panel/PVdF
Septa, USA 120 cars
Hivetecks® honeycomb panel/Laminates
honeycomb panel
Hivetecks® H102
Honeycomb panel with laminates
Corrugated core panel
Treno panel
Aluminum composite panel